Tim Olsén

Software Engineer | MSc Computer Science

About Me

I am a recent graduate with a Master's degree in Computer Science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. My particular interests are within software development, machine learning, and graphics. I am currently seeking new job opportunities where I can continue to learn and develop my skills.

In my spare time I play bass in a band. Feel free to check us out here :)




Breakout game made for a school project in C and Assembly for the chipKIT PIC32 microcontroller. The hardware specific code has been later rewritten to run on the web.

Technologies used



Pomodorify is a productivity app that integrates the Spotify Web Playback SDK with a Pomodoro timer to help users maintain focus during work.

Technologies used

ReactTypeScriptTailwind CSS
Good Morning

Good Morning

A story based 2D game made for a school project. Besides implementing large parts of the game mechanics, I also composed chiptune-style music and sound effects.

Technologies used

UnityC#Ableton Live
Swedish Instruction Tuning

Swedish Instruction Tuning

My Master's Thesis project, in collaboration with AI Sweden, where I developed a pipeline for fine-tuning and evaluating GPT-models on Swedish instruction datasets.

Technologies used
